Reflecting on life. It seems that many struggle daily against an almost invincible opponent in regard to their thoughts, their flesh, their emotions, etc. I asked the Lord, "Why? Why this struggle against such seemingly overwhelming odds on a daily basis? And why do my friends have to suffer as well with poor sin, depression, poor self-image, bondage?"
Then I remembered a story in the Gospels. God gave me a fresh perspective in regard to these verses. It is a story of a blind man that encountered Jesus. Moments before Jesus gave him his sight, Jesus' disciples asked Him, "Lord, why was this man born blind? Was it his sin or the sins of his father?" Jesus responded, "Neither, it was so that he could give God glory."
I reflected on that. Why do I struggle so much with sin, self-esteem, depression? Why are some in desperate, even "losing" situations in their spiritual lives? Why do others struggle constantly struggle with fear, depression, guilt, bitterness? The answer is here, "To give God glory." The blind man was over forty years old. He had been blind and struggling all his life. Can you imagine life without sight - never to have seen a sunset, a flower, a bird, a child. And all this suffering, was it for that one moment in time when Christ could be glorified in his life by giving him sight, and for all subsequent moments when his story would be told and give glory to God? It seems so.
Is this answer too simple? In this current scientific and philosophical world we live in, answers are never this simple. But Jesus never hesitated in giving simple answers to the most profound questions.
And another point. God alone has the right to determine how He is glorified. The blind man received his sight. But with the apostle Paul, the thorn remained in his flesh (2 Cor. 12). In both instances, God was glorified in their lives. The physical results were quite different, but God's ultimate purpose was fulfilled. So whatever issues you are dealing with, whether it is a poor self-image, a physical handicap or ailment; whether a financial disaster or material loss; whether you feel unloved, unloving, unforgiven, unforgiving, the answer to the question, "Why does life have to be this way?" remains - "So that God can ultimately be glorified in and by your life." Ω
Written on January 25, 2000